Would you trust on a robot for your hairline?

Mar 30, 2017

In this modern time nearly every face of our human lives is dominated by technology, so it shouldn’t surprise these days. As these days surgeries are becoming common operating procedure for a growing number of surgeries, including hysterectomy, prostatectomy and even cardiac replacement. And now, they are even being use to help hair loss sufferer to re-grow their hair in many hair transplant ways.

The FDA-approved ARTAS robotic-assisted hair transplantation is the best and latest advancement in the field of surgical hair restoration. F.U.E is the best which leaves no linear scar and has a quicker, more comfortable recovery than the strip harvest procedures.

Currently there are little and small number of clinics offering robotic transplants, but the number is expected to grow as more consumers continue to opt for less-invasive transplant procedures. They are not performed by robots. This is an important distinction to make for potential patients who conjure up images of an actual robot, rather than a surgeon, performing surgery. The reality is, the robot device, a simply extension of the operator which means, its effectiveness is tied directly to the expertise of the surgeon.

Improved accuracy and precision, increased speed. Patients and physician are drawn to robotic-assisted transplants for a variety of reasons one of the greatest improved is accuracy and the precision of the grafted harvesting process. The robot’s optical guidance system works at 60 times per second to identify measure and characterize available hair follicles for harvesting.

Robotic FUE harvesting of grafts is performed hundreds to thousand times during each hair transplant procedure session.