Laser lipolysis

No needles, no surgery! Laser Lipolysis is an intelligent alternative to traditional liposuction and offers several benefits as compared to other procedures. It is the best option for cellulite smoothing and correcting body structure.

What is Laser Lipolysis?

Laser Lipolysis therapy is an advanced non-surgical treatment to remove fat accumulations in the different parts of the body. Heat emitted by laser pulses break down the fat cells which are then released from the body. These fat cells are deposited triglycerides in free fatty acids. For proper excretion, patients should drink minimum two litres of water and do exercise. Laser Lipolysis is perfect for stubborn fat pockets that do not respond to diet and exercise. The procedure is fully non-invasive hence, patients can continue their routine immediately after the intervention.

Areas treated by Laser Lipolysis

Double chins, Thighs, abdomen, knees, ankles, arms and love handles. This procedure is not for obesity treatment in fact is well-suited for localized areas of accumulated fat. The treated areas are measured and assessed. The pads connected to the laser machine are applied to the target areas. Patient feels nominal heat sensation but no pain.

Laser Lipolysis effects

After the procedure, the treated area is measured and in most cases, immediate results are seen. The results can be maintained if patient follows the precautions and diet. Patients are recommended to drink lots of water to effectively release the fat cells from their body. If possible, do exercise for about half hour after the procedure and take adequate diet in limited calories.

Before/After Treatment